I have started a persistent Bouncy World Server and made it available for people to join with the clients. Using it is easy- take an Atari or Apple connected with FujiNet and go to my TNFS server: fujinet.diller.org Enter that server and go into the bouncy directory. In there are the client apps to mount…
Category: Networking
Bouncy Demo 2
Fenrock is doing a fast follow as he now has an Apple II client connected to his Bouncy World Server and sharing the world with an Atari. First multi-platform demo specifically for FujiNet. This latest Bouncy Demo shows dual client support – Atari on the left and the AppleII client on the right. The bouncies…
Bouncy Fun
Fenrock (Mark) has released an early prototype of what will become one of the most amazing FujiNet networking demo for 8-bits ever (my personal prediction). In the video above, a virtual Atari (Altirra) is on the left, a real Atari on the right. Both are connected to a bouncy_server using FujiNets and running Mark’s bouncy…