Take a Deep Dive into the a2tools / SURL project and how it contrasts with FujiNet as our virtual hosts cover Apple II code author Colin Leroy-Mira as he ports the Weather Application from FujiNet dependancies to his a2tools project using his SURL internet proxy… a2tools (https://github.com/colinleroy/a2tools) – is a fascinating project that lets your…
Category: 6502
Good Reads
The rise and fall of 6502 gaming by Ted Spence. Interesting read as I’m also facinated by the 6502 ecosystem. I hope Medium isn’t doing something wierd with this link and you are able to read it, if not, please medium don’t be bad.
Raw Speed of the 6502
Gergory Nacu of C64OS created the below graphic to poke fun at the Apple M1 CPU marketing. Michael Doornbos, at IMA Penguin has taken this poke and spun it around to try and see what the 6502 can really do. He charts his work across a number of machines with interesting results. And an update…