YAIL is a very fun project from Brad Colbert. His code is up on github here. It is composed of a server and Atari client component. The Atari client loads (I have the xex here on my TNFS server:TNFS://fujinet.diller.org/ATARI/NETWORKING/YAIL.XEX) and presents a black screen. You need to “set server” like:
set server N:TCP://fujinet.online:5556
for the official fujinet hosted YAIL server. ( I have one at: set server N:TCP://
Set a gfx mode:
gxf 9
Give it the stream command with a search term
stream star wars stream atari
Stream does what you think- it starts streaming down image after image. What images? they are found all over the internet by the back-end server, retrieved and converted to an Atari image format and then sent to the client.
Hitting ESC will stop the stream. HELP is available but is not up-to-date yet with the new FujiNet capabilities that Brad has updated YAIL with. He will update HELP soon.
I setup my own backend and ran the client in Altirra yesterday. It was so fun that I popped it on OBS on my Mac and streamed it for three hours on Twitch:
The video is there. That was a good stress test for the client and backend and it ran nicely. If you have a search term that runs out of results eventually the stream will stop. The ‘atari’ search term never seemed to run out of results at the end and so I let it run for a few hours as seen in that video.
This will be a very cool demo at shows. Look for better help, more ANTIC gfx modes soon according to Brad.