bocianu is a prolific Atari coder in Poland. He has embraced the FujiNet and created some of, if not the most, famous apps that utilize the FN. bocianu is active on the FN discord and has a website (in Polish) at
All the apps reviewed below are written in Pascal, with some assembly thrown in. Compiled with MAD-Pascal, which is a great platform to create client side applications on the atari for interaction with the FN and back-end services. While this is not a comprehensive list of all of bocianu’s work, it is a list of some of the more interesting apps he has built and each is worth a look and try on your Atari.
You can find his apps on his TNFS server:
FujiNet Weather
The classic FujiNet application. One of the first apps to take advantage of the FN on the atari the weather app is amazing. When it loads it can auto-configure your location backed on the wifi and then pull down the approprate local weather data for your area. The graphics for the climates are very nicely done and it’s a great app to leave up and working when showing off the Atari and FN at a workshop or show. I’ve used it a number of times at VCF East. It uses data from
Openweathermap requires the use of a apikey tied to the user. There are limits the use of any one apikey in calling OWM in a specific period of time. If every Weather app user had the same apikey the limit would be breached and all instances of the app would stop updating!
bocianu has a very clever solution for this that plays into the strengths of the FujiNet device. You need to have a flash-card installed in your FN for the Weather app to function properly. It will create a personal apikey for you and save it to the flash card on your FN! It does this using the fn_cookies library (see below) that bocianu also wrote. It also saves other stateful info to the FN. This way each user is only using their own unique apikey and there is no interference with other users of the Weather app. Very clever.
FujiNews is an innovate collaboration between bocianu and Mozzwald from the FN project. Mozzwald has created the 8bit News server, which reads current news events and transforms them into smaller text snippets for a client to consume- like FujiNews. FujiNews the atari app will query the 8bit News server for stories and allow the user to select and display them.
FujiTalk is the crown jewel of the apps IMHO. It definately has a ton of potential. A full featured chat server for your Atari! Features nick registration, multiple room tabs, updates per room and more. All on your Atari 8bit, happening realtime with a FujiNet. This is just the first release and according to bocianu, more refinement and features are in the works. Grab it today, register and hop on the fujinet board to chat!
- login screen for FT
- chat in the fujinet room, the fuji room is flashing indicating updates
A fun to play screen based movement puzzle game. AtariAge Announcement
In the game we move around Flob, a small pink blob that loses energy very quickly and we have to constantly replenish it by collecting drops of pink slime. Flob can only move left and right and cannot jump, but by using the slime, he can manipulate gravity and get into seemingly inaccessible places. He is very fragile and delicate, but with a supply of slime he can regenerate quickly. We need a lot of slime and we need to collect as much as possible, but that is not the aim of the game. The goal is to find the secret ingredients and the recipe needed to produce the aforementioned slime, achieve immortality and… rule the world
blibs – Set of custom libraries for MadPascal
blibs is a set of Atari and FujiNet related libraries that bocianu has created and documented to help with the above client apps. There are routines to enable and disable DLIs, PMG and a few to help with FujiNet and networking related tasks. One can trace how the above clients are using these libs to enable rapid creation and consistent features across bocianu’s growing stable of net apps.
- b_crt – OS independent screen and keyboard routines.
- b_dl – Display List manipulation library.
- b_maxflash8mb – MaxFlash 8Mbit writing and erasing routines
- b_pmg – Player and missile graphics library.
- b_system – System Tools
- b_utils – Common Utils
- fn_cookies – #FujiNet library for using APPKEY storage build in #FujiNet device.
- fn_sio – SIO library for #FujiNet interface.
- fn_tcp – #FujiNet interface TCP communication library.
- hsc_util – Hi Score Cafe Library for #FujiNet interface.
- sio – Serial Input/Ouput interface library.
- xbios – xBios handlers
This is just a quick look around at some of the creations of bocianu. You can chat with him on FujiTalk, on the FJ discord or AtariAge.